If you are single, but would rather not be, I am sure you have given significant thought about why. I know what you’re thinking: Why is it that I don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend yet certain people around me seem to hop (sometimes effortlessly) from one relationship to another? Well, one answer is it may not be your season. For many, it is as simple as that. However, for others, it’s actually the right time but you’re practicing the wrong behaviors and standing in your own way. Here are 10 things I have personally witnessed my single clients and friends do that keep them single. Are you guilty too? 1) You Hold On to Someone Who Isn't Available There are many reasons someone may not be available to date. Is he separated or married? Perhaps he is living with his girlfriend? If you hold on to such a person, fully knowing you are shared with someone else, you illustrate the lowest form of self-love and that won't get you where you want to go. [...]
Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago
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