Tip - 10 Gemstones Much Rarer Than Diamond 

Published  | Submitted by Pamela Martinson
10 Gemstones Much Rarer Than Diamond 

Many people know that diamond is actually pretty common when it comes to gemstones (you can find millions of them in your typical candle flame), but who among us can actually name any that are rarer? Here, we present to you a collection of ten of the rarest gemstones on Earth.
Tags: superlist, Painite, Alexandrite, tanzanite, Benitoite, Poudretteite, Grandidierite, red diamond, Musgravite, Jeremejevite, Red beryl, Diamonds, Chemistry, Optics, spectroscopy, Pleochroism, geology, Science, io9 flashback, io9

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Posted: 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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