Tip - 10 Proven Actions You Can Take Today to Start Making Money from Your Passion Tomorrow (seriously, tomorrow) | Live Your Legend

Published  | Submitted by Abe Moussa
10 Proven Actions You Can Take Today to Start Making Money from Your Passion Tomorrow (seriously, tomorrow) | Live Your Legend

"Live your passion. Do what you love. Help people. The rest takes care of itself." - Anonymous Important Context Note: The below is a free lesson from Live Your Legend's award-winning Live Off Your Passion Guided-Discovery career course. The lesson is part of one of our more advanced modules on "Profiting from Your Passion."  A lot of readers have been able to use the below actions to make at least some money from their passion within a day or two, no joke. I hope it helps... ******* Creating Money from Passion... I recently watched a 20/20 episode called Generation Youtube. I was so inspired I could hardly sleep. It was the ultimate adrenaline shot of what's possible. (Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the online recording of it anymore, but try Googling it and see if you have better luck - it's very worth your 38 minutes.) The show got me thinking, there are so many freakin' ways to make money from things that interest you. In fact, do you know what the most important ingredient

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Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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