You've put on some pounds. It happens. And it's okay. So often we're bombarded with things we must start to do to lose weight stat. But what about all the things you're already doing that may be adding to the problem? As much as I hate to come from a place of "don'ts", here's a list of things it's a good idea not to do when you've gained weight. Don't Start Skipping Meals Skipping meals won't help you lose weight in the long run. Studies show that eating every few hours helps stabilize your blood sugar and keeps you from making bad choices at the next meal (since you'd be famished otherwise). Plan ahead, and make sure to eat every few hours. Pre-planned portioned snacks and meals will do the body good and stop you from gorging later on. MORE: 6 Reasons You SHOULDN'T Starve Yourself After Over-Indulging Tags: weight gain, weight loss tips, dieting, losing weight, putting on weight,
Posted: 9 years, 3 month(s) ago
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