Tip - 10 Ways to Exercise While Watching TV

Published  | Submitted by Phillip Darlington
10 Ways to Exercise While Watching TV

Have you watched in horror as your backside began to spread to a size that rivaled your couch cushions? Being a couch potato can wreak havoc on your health, but if TV is an addiction for you, you can easily remedy the situation by trying out these 10 ways to exercise while watching TV. I know, I know -- if I were a good weight loss website owner, I'd tell you to turn the TV off and never turn it on again! (And if you watch a lot of TV, you should whittle it down.) But, as someone who was called Miss TV Guide as a pre-teen, I know it's not that easy. I'm looking forward to a few season premieres these next few weeks myself (House, Survivor, The Office, Big Bang Theory -- to name a few). I don't watch The Biggest Loser often because it usually conflicts with some show I like whose name escapes me, at the moment. But I know a lot of people do like watching The Biggest Loser -- it can be inspirational; just remember they're being supervised! You need to work the weight off more slowly... (If you're a Biggest Loser fan, I've got a weight loss percentage calculator that calculates the percentage lost as they do on the show.) So, bearing in mind that I'm covering my butt by telling you to turn the TV off, if you're not going to listen, at least don't just sit there...
Tags: biggest loser, biggest loser, biggest loser, Exercise, Exercise, Exercise, Exercise Equipment, Exercise Equipment, Exercise Equipment, exercise while watching TV, exercise while watching TV, exercise while watching TV, jillian michaels, jillian michaels, jillian michaels, squat, squat, squat, TV weight gain, TV weight gain, TV weight gain, TV weight loss, TV weight loss, TV weight loss, Weight Loss, weight training

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Posted: 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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