Tip - 11 Steps To Being The Best Damn Maid of Honor In The World

Published  | Submitted by Susan Sundsby
11 Steps To Being The Best Damn Maid of Honor In The World

After being a bridesmaid five times (four in one year) and serving as Maid of Honor twice in an eight-month period, I have this whole lady-in-waiting thing down pat. I have seen the same spills, meltdowns and lost photo opportunities repeatedly. In fact, I have even started to prevent them. I feel like some sort of wedding day medium. Now, I want to give you, young grasshopper, the wisdom I have acquired to make you the best damn maid of honor, or bridesmaid, in the world. 1. Be on the offensive at the reception Great Aunt Ruth is a talker. The bride doesn’t have 45 minutes at her once in a lifetime, two-hour reception to discuss the price of milk in 1930. But guess what, bridesmaids? You do. On the plus side, no one will blame you for being the drunkest one at the end of the night. 2. Give the mother of the bride a Xanax already Just do it. She is stressed the heck out. 3. Leave Dad alone Men need time to process things on their own. As much as Mom is ...
Tags: band-aid, blowdryer, bridesmaid, candy, champagne, checklist, Dad, dress, drunk, Flower girl, grandma, how to, hug, humor, kids, kiss, lady in waiting, list, maid of honor, marriage, medicated, meltdown, milestone, mimosas, mints, Mom, music, nail polish, nails, photo, pinterest, quirks, ring bearer, scissors, sewing kit, snacks, Swiss Army Knife, tissues, wedding, wedding day, Xanax,FASHION

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Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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