Tip - 12 Laundry Hacks for Washing & Drying Your Dirty Clothes

Published  | Submitted by Fabio Kuzma
12 Laundry Hacks for Washing & Drying Your Dirty Clothes

Is your favorite black T-shirt starting to look a little old? To restore a faded black fabric color to its former glory, add two cups of brewed coffee or black tea to your washer's rinse cycle. If you have the opposite problem and need to make your dirty white tees look super white again, you can use white vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, or even crushed aspirin tablets. To fluff your comforters, fluffy jackets, and pillows that just went through the washing machine, throw a couple of tennis balls (make sure they're clean!) into the dryer. If you want to avoid the toxic chemicals of dryer

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Posted: 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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