Tip - 12 Smart Ways to Save on Utilities - Living Well Spending Less®

Published  | Submitted by Jarod Stanton
12 Smart Ways to Save on Utilities - Living Well Spending Less®

The basic rule of budgeting are pretty straightforward:  Don’t spend more than you take in, and cut out the nonessential spending first.  None of us really need to be swinging by Starbucks every morning, or eating out twice a week, or filling our carts at Target with cute stuff we could easily live without.  And down most of us know that, even if we don’t always abide by it.  In fact, this general principle is even the basis for the 31 Days of Living Well & Spending Zero challenge here at LWSL. Thus while tempering that non-essential spending is super important for a healthy financial life, it is also a ... read more
Tags: saving money on utilities, tips for saving money on your water bill, tips for saving money on your electric bill, how to save on your utility bills, easy tips for saving money on your utility bill

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Posted: 9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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