Tip - 15 Best Compliments You Can Possibly Give

Published  | Submitted by Edwin Henderson
15 Best Compliments You Can Possibly Give

Sometimes, I think we don’t give ourselves enough credit. We are pressured to become perfect human beings with perfect bodies and perfect jobs, and if anything goes slightly awry, we blame ourselves. We become anxious about what we should be achieving because others around us are achieving more. We worry that we’re not beautiful because magazines and movies seem to encompass an idealized form of “beauty" that may not resonate with us. But we need to stop this insane self-scrutiny. I know we’ve all felt crappy about ourselves, which is why I think we should take the time to compliment each other a little bit more often. Whenever I see a friend who is totally rocking a new pair of boots, I’ll tell her how awesome she looks. If a student of mine turns in a stellar essay, I’ll call them aside and tell them how much I think they’ve improved. There’s something really powerful about a genuine compliment from someone; if we take the time to acknowledge ...
Tags: 15 great compliments, being nice to others, compliment list, Compliments, feel good, feeling good, giving compliments, karma, positive list, positivity,ENTERTAINMENT

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Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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