“Photographer” is one of those professional titles that many people want. And why not? Taking pictures is fun and exciting. However, reality isn't so glamorous. According to a report prepared by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), “More than half of all photographers are self-employed, a much higher proportion than for most occupations.” The BLS adds, “Salaried photographers—most of whom work full time—tend to earn more than those who are self-employed.” In short, what we have is a business that isn't a hotbed of jobs – or high earnings for those who aren't employed as photographers. Not a pretty picture. The BLS continues with the killjoy theme by saying, “Most photographers spend only a small portion of their work schedule actually taking photographs. Their most common activities are editing images on a computer—if they use a digital camera—and looking for new business—if they are self-employed.” However, similar things can be said about the music business. But people still pick up guitars and start to play. Likewise, the theatrical arts. It's tough to make it onto the stage or screen, but somewhere, there's an audition attracting hopeful actors right now. Okay, so I've acted like your parents and given you the “Tough way to make a living, but I know you want to do it!” speech. Now let's get to work on helping you succeed in the business of photography. | Tags: Business Plans, Freelance, Legal, Contracts, Sales, Portfolios, Networking
Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago
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