Tip - 43 Photography Hacks, Mods And DIY Projects - DIY Photography

Published  | Submitted by Lynda Ellington
43 Photography Hacks, Mods And DIY Projects - DIY Photography

My gift to you readers for DIYP 3rd Year Aniversarry - 43 Photography Hacks, Mods And DIY Projects. (And some shameless self promotion) Light Modifiers 1. Homemade Speedlite "Snoot" 2. The Best Softbox Ever 3. Using A Cooling Honeycomb As A DIY Gridspot 4. The DIY Speed Strap 5. The DIY Speed Strap - Accessories And Samples 6. Kimel’s Pop Up Flash Soft Box Diffuser 7. Drinking Beer - Out! Snooting - In! 8. Striplight and Softbox 9. Gel Holder for Flash 10. V Cards

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Posted: 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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2 Votes