Tip - 5 Weird Ways to Meditate

Published  | Submitted by Mohammed Al - Saleh
5 Weird Ways to Meditate

You know you should meditate more. After all, this ancient contemplative practice has been shown to lower blood pressure, make you more empathic, increase your attention, and change the size and shape of your brain. And lord knows, you need ways to cope with stress. And yet… It can feel so hard to find your way to the cushion and sit. Some of the reasons I’ve heard from my clients why they don’t meditate more is that they have trouble sitting still, they don’t have 10-20 minutes to themselves to sit quietly, or they get bored. Which are all legitimate obstacles—I’ve faced each of them myself. That’s when I remind them that there is no law written that says you must be sitting on a cushion in a quiet room to meditate. Getting creative with your meditation practice helps you get started, or keep going during those times when life seems to be conspiring to throw you off track. To that end, here are 5 weird ways to meditate. May they help you slow down and get quiet even on...

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Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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