So, I was watching "The Bachelorette" on Monday night (I know I said I was boycotting it because it's obviously a shamfest, but I'm already sucked in this season), and the true genius of the show dawned on me. Some brilliant exec at ABC came up with the perfect formula to make guys fall in love, or at least think that they are. Did you ever notice how the guys always fall truly, madly, deeply, and quickly for any "Bachelorette" bait that is placed before them? It seems like it would hardly make a difference who it was. Take Ali for example. She's cute, I guess, but so annoying and totally boring with nappy Barbie extensions. Yet every single dude there claims he's never met anyone like her before; they are all falling in love with her. How is that possible? After the jump, I think I've decoded the secret love potion. If only we could find a way to translate this to real-life dating, we'd have men dropping to their knees to propose. Or at least dying for a second date.Timing. A man who Tags: dating,love,relationships,sex,the bachelorette
Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago
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