Tip - 6 Ways to Remove Ghastly Scuff Marks from Shoes Using Common Household Items

Published  | Submitted by Dave Oler
6 Ways to Remove Ghastly Scuff Marks from Shoes Using Common Household Items

It'd be a financial burden to have to buy new shoes every time a current pair gets scuffed up, but thankfully there are some easy DIY tricks for saving us that trip to the shoe store. Scuff marks can easily be remove from shoes and sneakers using common household items found in your medicine cabinet or in your desk. Using toothpaste and an old toothbrush, you can lightly buff away at the scuff mark on your shoe until it completely fades away. You can also use a rubber eraser, Vaseline, essential oil, or nail polish remover. For all of these methods, make sure you do a spot test on a

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Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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