Tip - 8 Home Remedies That'll Get Rid of Those Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

Published  | Submitted by PS 3 G Tman 66
8 Home Remedies That'll Get Rid of Those Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

If people are constantly asking you why you look so tired, then maybe it's time to get rid of the puffy dark circles under your eyes. Eye puffiness, eye bags, and dark circles have many causes, some of them being a cold, sinus infection, seasonal allergies, sleep deprivation, or the fact that you spent several hours sobbing uncontrollably in your bedroom after watching a super-sad movie the night before. Most commonly, you can place cold cucumber slices directly on your closed eyelids for 10-15 minutes to help reduce the circles under your eyes, or something similarly cold like cold potato

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Posted: 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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