Big tits and August don’t mix. In this hot hot heat, sweating bullets could kill your good looks, no thanks to gross breast sweat. I once had a dude dip a finger in my cleavage on a 100-degree day only to retract his hand in horror. Oh strapless bra, you sold me down a river, literally! But since then, I've learned to beat the heat and you can too. So, don’t let your melons become watermelons this summer. Save yourself with these tips... 1. Wear Black: The sweat just blends into the darkness. As for white, well, you know what happens to it when it gets wet. 2. Fabric Of Our Lives: Sure, cotton is the most breathable, but a good thin polyester vintage dress will never ever show sweat. But if you’re not brave enough to look like you just walked off the set of “Three’s Company,” that’s a-OK. Just be sure to avoid silk, satin, and other materials that soak it all in and leave a ring when they dry. 3. Loose Girls: Don’t wear skin-tight spandex stuff. Easier said than done if you’re a showy Tags: beauty,boob sweat,breast sweat,breasts,summer,sweaty boobs
Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago
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