Tip - ADHD and Gender

Published  | Submitted by ibrank
ADHD and Gender

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is more commonly diagnosed in boys than girls, but research into ADHD in adulthood suggests an almost equal balance between men and women. About 60 percent of children who experience ADHD in childhood continue...
Tags: adhd,adhd symptoms,adult women,adulthood,attention deficit disorder,attention deficit hyperactivity,attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd,conduct disorder,deficit hyperactivity disorder,deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd,dr joseph,family roles,gender differences,gender ratio,harvard medical school,hyperactivity,joseph biederman,oppositional defiant disorder,people with attention deficit,self referrals,separation anxiety disorder,women adhd

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Posted: 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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