Published  | Submitted by Aarne Lindroos

This ties into scheduling-  but when it comes to blogging, while you should be innovative and offer fresh content regularly for your readers, you do not need to reinvent the wheel personally in doing so.  What are you really good at? Focus on those strengths and either delegate or set aside time to get through the tasks you hate quickly.

I’m stupid busy- so I use tools like Dlvr.it and Hootsuite to schedule some of my content to be syndicated when I’m unable to sit behind a computer.  Additionally, I like to queue up a few posts at a time to get a week or two ahead of schedule by drafting and scheduling my posts in WordPress.  Some bloggers have a more rigid content schedule, it’s something I wish I had the brain for- but I can usually get about two weeks ahead before I need to take some time off and get inspired.


BY: Shannyn Allan

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Posted: 10 years, 9 month(s) ago

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