About Depression at Work

About Depression at Work – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on About Depression at Work. This topic was created by Rita Bachot and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Depression at Work: Is It You or the Job?

Published:  | Submitted by Psycho Socket | permalink
Depression at Work: Is It You or the Job?

Some experts say it's not work that's depressing you, others can truly feel your pain.

Tip 2 - How To Cope With Depression At Work

Published:  | Submitted by Rajiv Rainier | permalink
How To Cope With Depression At Work

By Lisa Esposito for US News Chances are, someone at your workplace has depression. It could be a co-worker; it could be you. Not just a case of the blues, not deadline burnout, but chronic, clinic
Tags: how, to, cope, with, depression, at, work, healthy, living

Tip 3 - Coping With Depression at Work

Published:  | Submitted by Cronus 072 | permalink
Coping With Depression at Work

You can stay afloat by getting help. 
Tags: health,LTHealth,patient-advice-include,patient advice,healthwellness,depression,mental health,Best You: Health & Wellness,HWBucket-MentalHealth,patient-advice-slideshows,healthandwellness,Lisa Esposito

Tip 4 - Dealing With Depression at Work: What You Need to Know

Published:  | Submitted by Judith Pomper | permalink
Dealing With Depression at Work: What You Need to Know

If you're dealing with depression or anxiety, one of the most difficult parts of recovery can be keeping it all together while you're at work. Read on for advice on making it through, from someone who's been there.
Tags: Careers,ForbesWoman,health,Leadership,Lifestyle,career,depression,mental health,Work

Tip 5 - 10 Careers With High Rates of Depression

Published:  | Submitted by vikas arora | permalink
10 Careers With High Rates of Depression

Think your job might be making you depressed? Here are 10 careers that have higher rates of depression.
Tags: depressing jobs, careers, depression at work, my job is depressing, stress, long hours, nursing, make depression worse

Tip 6 - 7 Strategies to Be Productive at Work When You’re Depressed

Published:  | Submitted by Mohamedhusein Somji | permalink
7 Strategies to Be Productive at Work When You’re Depressed

According to Mental Health America, depression is as costly to the US economy as heart disease or AIDS, resulting in over $51 billion lost due to absenteeism from work and productivity losses. The average lost time at work due to depression is approximately...
Tags: anxiety,depressed at work,depression,help at work,overwhelmed at work,stress,work,work depression,work strategies

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

11.7k+ Reads
6 Tips
6 Votes
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