About Famous Gluttons

About Famous Gluttons – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on About Famous Gluttons. This topic was created by Wilfried MEERT and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 8 of History's Greatest Gluttons

Published:  | Submitted by Chalene Noakes | permalink
8 of History's Greatest Gluttons

Famous fat people didn't necessarily get famous because of their weight, though many of these famous gluttons gained notoriety at some point in their career for "let...

Tip 2 - 10 Men Who Ate Anything And Everything - Listverse

Published:  | Submitted by Annie Wu | permalink
10 Men Who Ate Anything And Everything - Listverse

Many people have what we might call a healthy appetite, but as long as you can restrain yourself, there's nothing wrong with indulging every now and again.

Tip 3 - 6 Famous People Who (probably) Died From Overeating - Weird Worm

Published:  | Submitted by Tom Antonsen | permalink
6 Famous People Who (probably) Died From Overeating - Weird Worm

Link1. Alexander the GreatYou hear a lot about ancient peoples and their feasts/orgies. It seems it is all true and Alexander was a big fan. After a
Tags: overeating, death, Famous People, Famous People Who Died From Overeating

Tip 4 - Authors pick Elvis Presley as the greatest glutton | Toronto Star

Published:  | Submitted by Lucio Roquette | permalink
Authors pick Elvis Presley as the greatest glutton | Toronto Star

New book reveals food eccentricities of famous people through history: Which Hollywood mega-star ate cockroaches? Who flew 1,300 km for a sandwich?

Tip 5 - Villainous Glutton - TV Tropes

Published:  | Submitted by Changki Kim | permalink
Villainous Glutton - TV Tropes

There are the villains who provoke moral outrage. Others are funny or even somewhat likeable. Some arouse carnal desires. A rare few inspire twisted admiration. And then, there's pure disgust. That's what this guy — and it's very commonly a …

Tip 6 - The last famous international gluttons, by Aa. Vv.

Published:  | Submitted by endre kallay | permalink
The last famous international gluttons, by Aa. Vv.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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6 Tips
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