About Flowers for a Garden

About Flowers for a Garden – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on About Flowers for a Garden. This topic was created by Gary Rossi and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 20 favorite perennial flowers

Published:  | Submitted by Daphnu 00e 9 Romy - Masliah | permalink
20 favorite perennial flowers

These unfussy, long-lived plants pump out beautiful foliage and flowers year after year. Plant in fall or spring when cooler temperatures help them get a healthy start
Tags: flower, flowers, flowering plans, perennials, fall planting, flowers to plant in fall

Tip 2 - Best Garden Flowers for Color All Summer

Published:  | Submitted by Frankie Marrow | permalink
Best Garden Flowers for Color All Summer

If you love the vibrant hues of summer flora, check out these dozen no-fail flowering plants that will bloom all season long
Tags: Flowers , Gardening Subjects, Plants , Flowers, Other Plants, Planning & Ideas, Plan, Photos

Tip 3 - Flowers and Plants - Pictures of Flowers & All About Plants : HGTV Gardens

Published:  | Submitted by Eric Lillibridge | permalink
Flowers and Plants - Pictures of Flowers & All About Plants : HGTV Gardens

Planting a garden? Learn everything you need to know from HGTV Gardens, including expert gardening tips, pictures of flowers, trees and shrubs and information specific to your own backyard.

Tip 4 - 20 Best Perennials for Your Garden

Published:  | Submitted by Jackie Lauer | permalink
20 Best Perennials for Your Garden

Here's an easy-grow collection of the best perennial flowers that are perfect for any garden -- especially if you're a beginner!

Tip 5 - 21 Spring Flowers for Your Garden

Published:  | Submitted by Debbie Nation - Darling | permalink
21 Spring Flowers for Your Garden

Early spring flowers are the surest sign that warmer weather is coming. Our list of early spring flowers will give you ideas for the best flowers to plant in spring. After a long winter, it's time for spring landscaping!

Tip 6 - Garden Flowers

Published:  | Submitted by Johan Erikson | permalink

Some gardeners are amazed by perennials, with all their varieties of bloom type, color, and size. Other people turn to a striking collection of annuals for a burst of color throughout the growing season. Bulbs, too, supply texture, color, and bloom variety for your garden. And roses have captivated gardeners worldwide for centuries. Whatever garden flowers you prefer -- or if you like them all -- we have inspiration and practical advice for you. Every gardener can benefit from our tips to grow picture-perfect annuals, perennials, bulbs, and roses in the garden; we have all the tips organized for you. Each year, breeders introduce new varieties of every type of garden flower -- some with better disease resistance, others with new colors or habits. If you want the latest and greatest garden flowers in your yard, we have new perennials, annuals, and roses, among others. It's often hard to choose the right garden flowers for the right conditions—sun or shade. We have them organized by plant type and sun/shade amount, as well as bloom time. That means you'll be able to spend more time enjoying even more beautiful blooms in your garden, from spring through summer and into autumn.

Tip 7 - 9 Colorful Flowers That Grow in Shade

Published:  | Submitted by Rand Ferris | permalink
9 Colorful Flowers That Grow in Shade

Love flowers but think your garden doesn't get enough sun? Here are a few flowers that grow happily despite lack of abundant direct sunlight.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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