About Games to Promote Reading

About Games to Promote Reading – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on About Games to Promote Reading. This topic was created by Joshua Robbins and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 25 Activities for Reading and Writing Fun

Published:  | Submitted by Leonor Leal | permalink

These activities have been developed by national reading experts for you to use with children, ages birth to Grade 6. The activities are meant to be used in addition to reading with children every day.
Tags: reading skills, writing skills, reading and writing, reading strategies, writing strategies, make reading fun, make writing fun, pre-readers, beginning readers, emerging readers, older readers, early literacy, reading activities, writing activities, reading fun, writing fun, reading tips, teaching reading, writing tips, teaching writing, parenting tips, reading together, writing together, family reading, family writing, books and babies, lullabies, cardboard books, big books, tot talk, preschool reading, preschool literacy, pre-k reading, pre-k literacy, kindergarten reading, kindergarten literacy, first grade reading, first grade literacy, second grade reading, second grade literacy, third grade reading, third grade literacy, repetition and rhyme, rhyming, repeating, r and r, poetry in motion, poetry books, poems, story talk, now hear this, television, educational television, television programs, world of words, write on, look for books, read to me, read aloud, family stories, P.S. I love you, artful artists

Tip 2 - Pre-game activities promote reading at Wahoos’ stadium April 12 | WSRE

Published:  | Submitted by Rudy Gabril | permalink
Pre-game activities promote reading at Wahoos’ stadium April 12 | WSRE

Families are invited to “Hit a Home Run for Early Literacy” during a pre-game WSRE Imagination Station event at Pensacola Bayfront Stadium on Sunday, April 12 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The first 100 families in attendance will receive a free “Bats at the Ballgame” book.

Tip 3 - 25 Ways Schools Can Promote Literacy And Independent Reading

Published:  | Submitted by Thomas Rohs | permalink
25 Ways Schools Can Promote Literacy And Independent Reading

25 Ways Schools Can Promote Literacy Independent Reading  by Kimberly Tyson, Ph.D., learningunlimitedllc.com In the age of the Common Core and its emphasis upon having…

Tip 4 - Board Games to Promote Reading

Published:  | Submitted by Monica Vallada | permalink
Board Games to Promote Reading

Recently, I have been playing the board game Agricola with my daughter and I'd like to know if another game will provide some of the same things for her.

Tip 5 - Promoting Family Literacy: Raising Ready Readers

Published:  | Submitted by Umen M | permalink

Children raised in homes that promote family literacy grow up to be better readers and do better in school than children raised in homes where literacy is not promoted.
Tags: family literacy, literacy activities, preschoolers, early reading, preschool reading school success, skill-building, reading to children, storytelling, early writing skills, learning to read, learning to write, love of reading, family library

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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