As mother of two young children, what are the best hands-on activities we can do together? My daughter likes baking but my son likes cars and Super Why.
Motherhood is full of seasons: Change is possible and the season will turn. Some are shorter than others – lasting only a week or two. Others are long and feel never-ending, lasting for months at a time. These seasons can be full of excitement, exhaustion, sorrow, overwhelm, or any combination of emotions.
When I am in a season that is uplifting me on a daily basis, I find it reasonably straight forward to do my best being a centered and connected parent. On the other hand, when there is financial, developmental, or some other kind of stress, I more often waver in my confidence as a mother and feel that I can *never* do...
By: Chelsea Lee Smith
You can get a few large puzzles and make it a weekly activity to solve them with your kids. Its a fun exercise and you will enjoy it too.
Get coloring books, one with food and one with cars maybe and help your kids color both of them. This way they will both get to do stuff they like and you will spend some quality time with them.
Category: Education | 11 years ago
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