Tip - Adult ADHD: 50 Tips of Management

Published  | Submitted by Paal Aschjem
Adult ADHD: 50 Tips of Management

by Edward M. Hallowell, M.D. and John J. Ratey, M.D. The treatment of adult ADHD begins with hope. We break down the treatment of adult ADHD into five basic areas: •    Diagnosis •    Education •    Structure, support, and coaching •    Various forms of psychotherapy •    Medication Following are 50 Tips for the non-medication treatment of ADHD: Insight and Education 1.    Be sure of the diagnosis. Make sure you're working with a professional who really understands ADHD and has excluded related or similar conditions such as anxiety states, agitated depression, hyperthyroidism, manic-depressive illness, or obsessive-compulsive disorder. 2.    Educate yourself. Perhaps the single most powerful treatment for ADHD is understanding ADHD in the first place. Read books. Talk with professionals. Talk with other adults who have ADHD. You'll be able to design your own treatment to fit your own version of ADHD. 3.    Coaching. It is useful for you to have a coach, for some person near you to keep

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