Alcohol Effects on a Fetus

Alcohol Effects on a Fetus – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Alcohol Effects on a Fetus. This topic was created by v 8fieromatt and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Alcohol Effects on a Fetus-Topic Overview

Published:  | Submitted by Owen Inglis | permalink
Alcohol Effects on a Fetus-Topic Overview

What effect does alcohol have on a fetus?A woman who drinks alcohol while she is pregnant may damage her developing fetus. Alcohol that a pregnant woman drinks passes from her blood into that of the fetus, where it may affect developing cells. The cells of the fetus's central nervous system are especially at risk for damage.Problems that result from alcohol use during pregnancy can range from ...
Tags: Alcohol abuse, alcohol birth defects, Alcohol-Related Birth Defects, Birth Defect, birth defects, congenital defect, FAS, FASD, Fetal alcohol syndrome, genetic defect

Tip 2 - Alcohol during pregnancy

Published:  | Submitted by SIN 01ro | permalink
Alcohol during pregnancy

Is it OK to drink alcohol in pregnancy? We don't know for sure how much alcohol is safe in pregnancy. That's why many experts advise you not to drink at all in pregnancy.
Tags: alcohol during pregnancy, alcoholic drink, how much, should, drink, harm baby, wine, beer, pregnancy

Tip 3 - Drinking alcohol during pregnancy | BabyCenter

Published:  | Submitted by Hikaribussei | permalink
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy | BabyCenter

Learn the effects that drinking alcohol during pregnancy can have on a baby, how much alcohol is too much, and where to get help if you can't give up alcohol.
Tags: Alcohol, drinking alcohol during pregnancy, alcohol consumption, miscarriage, premature labor, birthweight, binges, fetal alcohol syndrome, virgin drinks, beer, wine

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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