Alcohol-Related Breathing Problems

Alcohol-Related Breathing Problems – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Alcohol-Related Breathing Problems. This topic was created by ch 33syguy and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Health Risks of Alcohol: 12 Health Problems Associated with Chronic Heavy Drinking

Published:  | Submitted by Joyce Levine | permalink
Health Risks of Alcohol: 12 Health Problems Associated with Chronic Heavy Drinking

Experts describe 12 health risks linked to chronic heavy drinking.
Tags: health risks of alcohol, alcohol abuse, heavy drinking

Tip 2 - Alcohol-Related Breathing Problems | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Adrian Klingel | permalink
Alcohol-Related Breathing Problems | eHow

Alcohol is a depressant, meaning it will slow down your nervous system. Depending on the amount of alcohol you consume, you may experience a variety of emotional and physical changes. For example, when alcohol is absorbed in your bloodstream, it is then dispersed to other organs. The liver is responsible for dispelling the alcohol from your body....

Tip 3 - Alcoholic Lung Disease - Alcohol Rehab

Published:  | Submitted by Makino | permalink

Alcoholic liver disease is well-documented, but in recent years there has been growing concern about alcoholic lung disease. This condition may be as serious a threat to the mortality of alcoholics as cirrhosis. If people smoke cigarettes and abuse alcohol, they are in real danger of developing life threatening respiratory problems. Effects of Alcohol on...

Tip 4 - Alcohol and Airways Function in Health and Disease

Published:  | Submitted by Noreen Folan | permalink
Alcohol and Airways Function in Health and Disease

The volatility of alcohol promotes the movement of alcohol from the bronchial circulation across the airway epithelium and into the conducting airways of the lung. The exposure of the airways through this route likely accounts for many of the biologic ...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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