
Allergic Reaction to Sunscreen

Are you worried about skin irritation after you apply your favorite sunscreen? That is an allergic reaction to sunscreen.

It is possible for you to develop sunscreen allergy, especially when your body reacts with one of the active chemicals found in the several brands of sunscreens.

Allergic reaction to sunscreen is a result of contact dermatitis. We have come up with several causes, symptoms and treatment to assist you to maintain a healthy facial skin.

  • What causes an allergic reaction to sunscreen?

    • 1. Sunscreen ingredients

    • 2. Phototoxic reaction

    • 3. Chronic skin conditions 

    • 4. Sensitive skin

  • Allergic reaction to sunscreen symptoms?

    • 1. Red irritated skin

    • 2. Swelling 

    • 3. Bumps and Blisters

    • 4. Itching 

  • What is the sunscreen allergy treatment?

    • 1. Wash the sunscreen off your skin

    • 2. How to protect skin from sun?

    • 3. Use over the counter cortisone cream


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