Allergy Sinus Treatment

Allergy Sinus Treatment – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Allergy Sinus Treatment. This topic was created by ronald hoeks and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - A guide to beating nasal allergies, from medication to self-care.

Published:  | Submitted by Pieter Wijbenga | permalink
A guide to beating nasal allergies, from medication to self-care.

A guide to fighting nasal allergies, from prescription treatments to self-care.
Tags: allergies, sinus problems, allergic rhinitis, allergy symptoms, sinusitis, sinus infection

Tip 2 - An Overview of Sinusitis

Published:  | Submitted by Perttu Hillman | permalink
An Overview of Sinusitis

Is it a sinus infection? Learn more from WebMD about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis.
Tags: sinus, infection, sinuses, sinus, sinusitis, acute sinusitis, chronic sinusitis, symptoms of sinus infection, treatment of sinus infection, nondrug treatment of sinus infection, bad breath and sinusitis, fatigue, dental pain, nasal endoscopy

Tip 3 - Allergies | Sinus Infection | Sinusitis - Consumer Reports

Published:  | Submitted by Ulrich Kersting | permalink
Allergies | Sinus Infection | Sinusitis - Consumer Reports

Knowing the difference between allergies and a sinus infection is the key to treatment. Get the information you need from Consumer Reports.

Tip 4 - Sinus Information

Published:  | Submitted by Emerson Piovezan | permalink

Sinus disease is a major health problem. It afflicts 31 million people in the United States.

Tip 5 - Allergic Rhinitis, Sinusitis, and Rhinosinusitis

Published:  | Submitted by Eddy Hus | permalink

Inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane is called rhinitis. The symptoms include sneezing and runny and/or itchy nose, caused by irritation and congestion in the nose. There are two types: allergic rhinitis and non-allergic rhinitis.

Tip 6 - Sinusitis and Allergy

Published:  | Submitted by Mike Sacks | permalink

The sinuses are cavities within the skull. They drain into the nose through small holes. Sinusitis means inflammation of the nasal sinuses. Sinusitis is most commonly short-lived, such as after a viral cold. Blockage of the drainage pathways, however, creates an environment that favours the overgrowth of bacteria resulting in long-term (chronic) sinusitis. Hayfever and polyps are the most common reasons for having recurrent or chronic sinus infection.
Tags: allergy, asthma, immunology, anaphylaxis, ASCIA, immune disease, allergic disease, allergen, allergic reaction, anaphylactic shock, anaphylaxis, antihistamine, adrenaline, adrenaline autoinjectors, allergy to food, food allergies, food allergy

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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6 Tips
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