Alternatives to Annuities

Alternatives to Annuities – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Alternatives to Annuities. This topic was created by Vincent Wanet and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - DIY pensions: the six alternatives to an annuity

Published:  | Submitted by Ruth Ready | permalink
DIY pensions: the six alternatives to an annuity

Pensioners are now looking for alernatives to annuities, with many opting to generate their own retirement income through bonds and shares. Below we look at six ways to take on your own 'DIY' pension
Tags: DIY pensions, annuities, pensions, Sipps, Pensions,Personal Finance,Finance

Tip 2 - Alternatives to buying an annuity

Published:  | Submitted by tlemieux | permalink
Alternatives to buying an annuity

An annuity isn't the only option you have for retirement income when you retire. Find out what the alternatives are.

Tip 3 - What Is The Alternative To An Annuity?

Published:  | Submitted by Hayden Hamilton | permalink
What Is The Alternative To An Annuity?

A reader asked: A salesman wants to sell me an immediate fixed annuity which will start paying me $1,300 for the rest of my life. I'm turning 66 years old in April and that sounds nice, but I've always thought that annuities are not the best option. It will cost [...]
Tags: Advisor Network,Intelligent Investing,Investing,Markets,Personal Finance

Tip 4 - Annuity Alternatives - Investment Options As An Alternative To An Annuity

Published:  | Submitted by Allan Middendorf | permalink
Annuity Alternatives - Investment Options As An Alternative To An Annuity

There are numerous ways to accomplish your investing goals. Make sure you have considered alternatives before you make a decision. An annuity might be the right place for some of your money, but how do you know unless you have considered alternatives?

Tip 5 - Lock In Your Retirement Income

Published:  | Submitted by Lauren Templeton | permalink
Lock In Your Retirement Income

As rumors spread that President Obama might utter the word annuity during his State of the Union address earlier this year, the insurance industry went wild. Salespeople touted the president's impending seal of approval as a reason to buy their wares -- even if the high-fee, complex versions they were promoting only vaguely resembled the products that the president supports.
Tags: annuities, Kimberly Lankford, immediate annuities,, inflation protection, deferred variable annuities, guaranteed income, Sun Life Financial, exchange-traded funds, longevity insurance, Elm Income Group, annuity ladder

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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