Amazing Tips For Getting Over Your Ex

Amazing Tips For Getting Over Your Ex.  Hardest thing for some people is, to move on when a relationship ends.  As hard as it may be, moving on is a must.  This is something that everyone who has ever experienced a broken relationship knows.  People have tried all kinds of things to not think of their ex, this is a place to share your Getting over your ex tips. 

Please write a description for your tip or provide a website link for further reading. 

Tip 1 - Delete all the memories

Published:  | Submitted by AmandaLalaSmith | permalink
Delete all the memories

Delete him; delete her

I do that by simply deleting her off all my accounts, and that includes  her number, Facebook, MSN, Skype or whatever social networks (this includes FRIENDS). I made the mistake of viewing my ex’s profile and I was devastated that time. Also, I always delete the mobile number for fear of drunk-texting or calling. That happened a lot, and never resulted in anything good, only major laughs and embarrassment.

BY: Alden Tan

Tip 2 - I Finally Figured Out How To Get Over My Ex

Published:  | Submitted by Sleep | permalink
I Finally Figured Out How To Get Over My Ex

I’ve always been attracted to the ones who cause me the most pain. I know, objectively, what it means for a man to treat his girlfriend well, but when I’m deep in a relationship I have no way of implementing the respect I deserve or of summoning up the strength needed to call him on his bullshit. The fact is, whenever a boyfriend has broken up with me or cheated on me, that fire-y, passion-filled pit inside me that’s reserved only for him increases tenfold. I find myself craving him, yearning for him as if my happiness depends on it. And the worst part is, I know this is wrong and only encouraging him to mistreat me further. I just can’t help it.

Until I Finally Figured Out How To Get Over My Ex. 

By : Charlie Shaw

Tip 3 - To Get Over Your Ex: Do this few minutes a day

Published:  | Submitted by Whatif | permalink
To Get Over Your Ex: Do this few minutes a day

To Get Over Your Ex: Do this few minutes a day

You see, the very act of being kind to myself for a few minutes a day has not only stopped me thinking about my ex, it’s shown me how little I’d valued myself before. The price we women pay for not letting go of an ex is even higher than I thought, because by throwing our hearts in to a daydream we have little love left for ourselves.


Tip 4 - Drop them like a bad habit and date his best friend

Published:  | Submitted by Stacey West | permalink

Payback is a what you need. Dating his best friend should do it. 

Tip 5 - Instead of thinking about your ex, spend time with, siblings and friends

Published:  | Submitted by Rosie Papp | permalink
Instead of thinking about your ex, spend time with, siblings and friends

If you’re not sure if you still rely on your ex as an attachment figure, try this exercise. Imagine that something really distressing happens to you – you’re upset and you don’t know what to do. Who do you want to turn to for support? Now, imagine that you just won the lottery. Who do you most want to celebrate with? Was your ex the first person who came to mind? Both times? If so, then your ex is definitely still your primary attachment figure. It will be difficult to get over him or her until that is no longer the case.

So if the problem here is attachment, then how do you “detach”? The best way is to replace your ex with other people whom you care about and may assume the role of primary attachment figure. In other words, train yourself not to rely on your ex by spending more time with other supportive people in your life instead. For example, research shows that parents, siblings, friends, and children can all make excellent attachment figures. So, visit your family.

 Samantha Joel, M.A

Tip 6 - Look at it like a scar tissue on Your Heart : Let me Explain...

Published:  | Submitted by Relationships | permalink
Look at it like a scar tissue on Your Heart : Let me Explain...

Look at it like a scar tissue on Your Heart.  I don’t think people get to a place where they are 100% non-feeling about their past relationships. Perhaps it’s like scar tissue on their hearts….there is a great deal of healing, but there is still some residual sting associated with it. But, it doesn’t have to mean anything. It doesn’t have to mean that you still want to be with your ex, or still have feelings for that person.  It just means that you’re human, you had an emotional, probably intimate attachment to this person and.....

Tip 7 - Take sleeping pills

Published:  | Submitted by CuteGirl123 | permalink

It might sound like I'm trying to be funny but it works like magic, if you can't sleep at night I suggest you cycle on and off with sleeping pills so you can rest instead of keeping awake at night and thinking about all the different possibilities. 

Tip 8 - Hide and Don’t Seek, Don’t Be A Stalker

Published:  | Submitted by Carla Valdes | permalink
Hide and Don’t Seek, Don’t Be A Stalker

Hide and Don’t Seek: It’s time to stash all those cards, stuffed animals, jewelry, etc that was given to you by your ex. Having all those things laying around is only going to remind you of all the good times you had together, which will cause you to forget about the bad, and remember, all the bad things is what prompted the break-up in the first place. “When you’ve just broken up, you’re still pretty vulnerable to that emotional tug,” Gladding explains in her book. “Getting rid of all those reminders can help get you over the initial hump.”

Don’t Be A Stalker: We’re all guilty of it — stalker-like behavior that we think no one’s aware of, but trust me, people know. No more driving by his house, checking his Facebook page every 15 minutes, and constantly checking in with his guy...

Stephanie Shank

Tip 9 - Don't contact him for 60 days, no phone calls, no texts, no vague Facebook messages

Published:  | Submitted by krisi Sanford | permalink
Don't contact him for 60 days, no phone calls, no texts, no vague Facebook messages

No contact doesn't mean just don't see phone calls, no texts, no vague Facebook messages. Cut him out of your life completely for 60 days -- even if you plan on being friends in the future. This will give you the time you need to get your emotions under control and let the healing begin.

If you were married or in a long-term relationship, you probably have a lot of his things. Get them out of your house or apartment -- but don't call him to pick them up. Box up all his items and call a mutual friend to deliver them. If you don't have a mutual friend, put them into storage until he can pick them up (after the 60-day period).


Tip 10 - No contact in 3 months usually does the healing

Published:  | Submitted by Alex Seidita | permalink

Don't contact your ex in anyway, delete them out of your life. Within 3 months you will feel a difference and they will be nothing but a memory to you without any pain.

You live and you learn, just make sure you learn the first time.

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Category: Conflict & Tragedy | 10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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