An Easy Way to Juice Limes

An Easy Way to Juice Limes – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on An Easy Way to Juice Limes. This topic was created by David Okrent and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How To: Juice Limes and Lemons - Our Best Bites

Published:  | Submitted by Jan Friberg | permalink
How To: Juice Limes and Lemons - Our Best Bites

Here’s a great tip on how to quickly juice limes or lemons- without a juicer! Slice limes or lemons in half. Take one half in your hand and stick a spoon in it. Now twist the spoon over a small bowl or cup. If you want, you can pretend that you’re gouging out the eyes of someone you don’t like very much. Afterwards, you’ll have a couple tablespoons of juice and your lime half will look like this:

Tip 2 - 5 Tips for Squeezing the Most Juice from Limes & Lemons — Tips from The Kitchn

Published:  | Submitted by Sudipta Mookerjee | permalink
5 Tips for Squeezing the Most Juice from Limes & Lemons — Tips from The Kitchn

Limes are crazy expensive this year, which means that once you get your hands on a few, you'll want to squeeze out every last drop of juice. Here are a few easy tips for making sure you are getting the most juice out of your limes, lemons, and other citrus fruits.

Tip 3 - Get Every Last Drop of Juice Out of a Lime with this Technique

Published:  | Submitted by AENIMA | permalink
Get Every Last Drop of Juice Out of a Lime with this Technique

There are many ways to squeeze the juices from fruits, but the structure of limes are a little different than lemons and other citrus fruits. This easy method gives new meaning to "a twist of lime."
Tags: food hacks, food, kitchen, cooking, fruit, citrus fruit, limes, Lifehacker

Tip 4 - Hack Of The Day: The Easiest Way To Juice A Lime

Published:  | Submitted by Jan van der Kuil | permalink
Hack Of The Day: The Easiest Way To Juice A Lime

I'm assuming we're all still too tired from cooking and eating to deal with a real hack of the day, like converting a CD spindle into a bagel tote. That mostly involves throwing away a lot of CDs. So
Tags: Cooking, Mastery, Food, Kitchen Tricks, citrus, hacks, lime, lime juice, tips & tricks

Tip 5 - How to Squeeze More Juice Out of Lemons & Limes—Without Getting Any Seeds

Published:  | Submitted by Al Atkison | permalink
How to Squeeze More Juice Out of Lemons & Limes—Without Getting Any Seeds

The late, great writer Laurie Colwin once wrote that if she were allowed to have only one fruit in her kitchen, she would always choose lemons (or limes, since they can often be used interchangeably). Any dedicated home cook would agree wholeheartedly. Lemons add dimension to soups, stews, and stir-fries. A mere tablespoon of that golden juice is invaluable in marinades, roast chicken, vinaigrettes, and on fish. In desserts, lemon is really an MVP, whether you like classic lemon bars or rich and tangy lemon panna cotta. The citric acid mimics the savor of salt and the zest from a lemon can

Tip 6 - What's the most efficient way to juice halved lemons and limes?

Published:  | Submitted by Michelle - Lesley Dutton | permalink
What's the most efficient way to juice halved lemons and limes?

Between squeezers, reamers, and juicers, what's the fastest way to juice small citruses? Limes are cheap in my area, so I'm willing to sacrifice juice per fruit if I can get the same volume faste...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 10 month(s) ago

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