Anime Pose Techniques

Anime Pose Techniques – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Anime Pose Techniques. This topic was created by Mintie Phresh and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Some of Anime's Most Famous Poses and Techniques • /r/anime

Published:  | Submitted by frankietheg | permalink
Some of Anime's Most Famous Poses and Techniques • /r/anime

2 points and 12 comments so far on reddit
Tags: reddit,, vote, comment, submit

Tip 2 - Drawing Techniques

Published:  | Submitted by Anna Migdalska | permalink
Drawing Techniques


Tip 3 - Drawing Tips

Published:  | Submitted by Janietzche | permalink
Drawing Tips

Art designs and tips to help with my drawing techniques.

Tip 4 - Fusion Dance

Published:  | Submitted by carolyn worth | permalink
Fusion Dance

Directory: Techniques → Supportive techniques Fusion Dance (フュージョン, Fyūjon) is a technique that is introduced by Goku during the Fusion Saga after learning it from Metamorans in the Other World. His son, Goten, fuses with Trunks in order to create Gotenks. The purpose of the Fusion Dance is to temporarily merge two or more bodies into a single, superior entity.
Tags: Dragon Ball Wiki,dragonball,Fusion Dance,A Slim Hope,Revival,Metamoran,Goku,Piccolo,Krillin,Goten,Trunks,Vegeta,Future Goku

Tip 5 - 40 Free Tutorials on Advanced Drawing Techniques - Tuts+ Design & Illustration Article

Published:  | Submitted by Eduardo Thompson | permalink
40 Free Tutorials on Advanced Drawing Techniques - Tuts+ Design & Illustration Article

The traditional form of drawing and sketching is a highly sought after skill. Develop your personal drawing abilities by following this collection of 40 great tutorials on advanced drawing techniques, including general theory, useful tips, comic inspired art and some methods for transforming your creations into digital format. | Tags: Drawing, Inspiration

Tip 6 - Some of Anime's Most Famous Poses and Techniques

Published:  | Submitted by Craig Chreene | permalink
Some of Anime's Most Famous Poses and Techniques

Certain anime studios—and even certain creators—have signature moves. Hallmarks or calling cards, if you will. Let’s have a look!
Tags: anime, manga, kotakueast, japan, memes, internet, Kotaku

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

7.3k+ Reads
5 Tips
7 Votes
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