Any guaranteed tips to quit smoking?

I have been smoking for about 7 years now and despite trying, it has been very hard to quit. There were a few small patches (3 months or so) but I always end up giving in and smoking again. Any former smokers out there who successfully quit? Please share your tips.

Tip 1 - Try chewing gum instead

Published:  | Submitted by Gerard | permalink

Whenever you feel the impulse to smoke, try chewing some gum. Just keep a pack handy with you and do this every time you want to smoke.

Tip 2 - Cold Turkey Is The Only Way

Published:  | Submitted by Idea | permalink
Cold Turkey Is The Only Way

Cold Turkey Is The Only Way.  I have seen people trying to quit smoking by getting all sorts of products. They are told, cut your usage and over time it will be easier for you to quit.  It does not work.

You Want to Quit smoking, tell yourself no more and just stop. It will be hard but that is the only way i have seen people around me stop.

Tip 3 - Try electronic cigarettes

Published:  | Submitted by Bluejazz | permalink

Electronic cigarettes are actually very effective for giving up smoking. They not only keep you away from nicotine but also prevent lung damage from real smoke.

Tip 4 - Give up activities associated with smoking

Published:  | Submitted by Adam | permalink

A lot of people associate activities like driving, watching tv etc with smoking. If possible, you should give up those activities for the time being or find alternatives to keep your engaged while you do those.

Tip 5 - Eat only healthy food - avoid junk and oil

Published:  | Submitted by Randy | permalink

Eating healthy food puts your body in the mode where it doesn't want you to smoke. Also, junk food and oily stuff is more likely to make you want to relapse and smoke. Stay away from unhealthy junk and start eating healthy like fruits and salads and you will find it easier to quit smoking.

Tip 6 - Use nicotine patches

Published:  | Submitted by Nina | permalink

Nicotine patches release nicotine, the chemical responsible for making you want to smoke. Using them is much less harmful than smoking and you can slowly get used to not having to smoke every day.

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Category: Health & Fitness | 10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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