Asphalt Vs. Concrete Parking Lot Cost Analysis

Asphalt Vs. Concrete Parking Lot Cost Analysis – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Asphalt Vs. Concrete Parking Lot Cost Analysis. This topic was created by Staudamm and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Why Use Concrete for Parking Lots - The Concrete Network

Published:  | Submitted by Swapnil Karan | permalink

Reasons why parking lots should be constructed with concrete versus asphalt or other materials.
Tags: why concrete parking lot, using concrete for parking lots, benefits of concrete parking lots

Tip 2 - Asphalt Vs. Concrete Price | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Hunterofnoob | permalink
Asphalt Vs. Concrete Price | eHow

Asphalt and concrete are popular materials used to pave roads and driveways. Roads and driveways paved with these materials can last for several years if properly maintained. Asphalt and concrete are strong, durable and perform well in the rain and cold. In terms of cost and required maintenance, both materials have advantages and disadvantages.

Tip 3 - Pros and Cons: Asphalt vs. Concrete Driveway

Published:  | Submitted by Paula Coutinho | permalink

Choosing the best driveway material depends on many factors. Here's a look at how concrete driveways and asphalt driveways compare with input from the pros.

Tip 4 - Selling Concrete Parking Lots

Published:  | Submitted by ANA CANUP | permalink
Selling Concrete Parking Lots

The perception among building owners and specifiers is that a concrete parking lot may be better but it's considerably more expensive than asphalt.
Tags: National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Parking Lots And Garages, Paving, William D. Palmer, Jr.,

Tip 5 - Resources | MN Asphalt Pavement Association

Published:  | Submitted by Christian Jadot | permalink
Resources | MN Asphalt Pavement Association

Why asphalt? What are the benefits?

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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