At Home Light Therapy for Psoriasis

At Home Light Therapy for Psoriasis – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on At Home Light Therapy for Psoriasis. This topic was created by Enza Longo and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Phototherapy for Psoriasis

Published:  | Submitted by srowen | permalink
Phototherapy for Psoriasis

Phototherapy is the use of ultraviolet (UV) light to slow the rapid growth of new skin cells. This is helpful in treating psoriasis, which causes skin cells to grow too rapidly. There are two types of ultraviolet (UV) light therapy: ultraviolet B (UVB) and ultraviolet A (UVA).Phototherapy may be given in a variety of places, such as in a hospital or doctor's office, in your home (UVB), or at a ...
Tags: Exfoliative psoriasis, Goeckerman regimen, guttate psoriasis, Ingram regimen, Light therapy, Nail psoriasis, Phototherapy, plaque psoriasis, Psoralen ultraviolet A (PUVA) treatment, Psoriasis, PUVA treatment, ultraviolet light therapy, UV light treatment

Tip 2 - Treat Psoriasis at Home: Ultraviolet Lamps

Published:  | Submitted by Kristina Caruso | permalink
Treat Psoriasis at Home: Ultraviolet Lamps

Home treatment of the skin ailment psoriasis with ultraviolet light lamps is at least as safe and effective as conventional phototherapy at hospitals or clinics, according to new research.
Tags: psoriasis, ultraviolet, lamps, therapy, psoriasis treatment

Tip 3 - A Guide to Using Light Therapy for Psoriasis

Published:  | Submitted by Julie Motamedi | permalink
A Guide to Using Light Therapy for Psoriasis

Phototherapy is the original psoriasis treatment. With all the high-tech remedies available today, light therapy continues to be one of the most effective treatments for psoriasis.
Tags: psoriasis, phototherapy, skin, UVB

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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