Attributional Style & Depression

Attributional Style & Depression – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Attributional Style & Depression. This topic was created by Yoona Park and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - What is ATTRIBUTIONAL STYLE? definition of ATTRIBUTIONAL STYLE (Psychology Dictionary)

Published:  | Submitted by Ko Rn Kl Ow N 69 | permalink

Psychology Definition of ATTRIBUTIONAL STYLE: a person's characteristic tendencies when inferring the cause of behavior or events, that may be based on three dimensions: the internal-external dimension

Tip 2 - What's Your Attributional Style?

Published:  | Submitted by laura luque | permalink

What the heck is attributional style? “Attributional Style” is about how you explain the causes of events. Why you should care about your attributional style is that it’s related to depression, self esteem, and relationship happiness. psychology PhDs think of attributions as falling along three dimensions. 1. Stable vs Temporary. 2. Global vs. Specific. 3. …

Tip 3 - Attributional Style

Published:  | Submitted by Judy Cooper | permalink
Attributional Style

The Definition Of Attributional Style, With Related Information—From The Stress Management Glossary at

Tip 4 - Attributional Style and Depression: How Your Explanations Influence Your Mood

Published:  | Submitted by Quicksilver 12 | permalink
Attributional Style and Depression: How Your Explanations Influence Your Mood

Several weeks ago I took my four-year-old son camping in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness for the first time. At home, when he sleeps, his body takes on the appearance of a wayward compass needle that rotates this way and that until his feet...
Tags: 100m dash,attributions,boundary waters canoe area,boundary waters canoe area wilderness,compass needle,correct attribution,explanations,feet land,first night,flashlight,incompetence,inky blackness,insomnia,olympics,psychologists,senses,sleeping bag,tent,time at home,wee hours,world class athletes

Tip 5 - Attributional style and depression

Published:  | Submitted by Mathieu Champely | permalink

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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