I love spending time with my baby and want some tips on different games that I can play with him to help his learning and development. I do show him pictures of things and objects etc but trying other games would be fun.
I'm assuming your baby is under 12 months based on which you can plan the copy cat game with your baby to make him learn something.
Due to your constant presence around a baby he loves to imitate you. They'll try to copy whatever you do in front of them such as brushing your hairs etc. Try inventing a song through which you can make your baby learn the basic words.
This worked for me! try exploring more on the link provided below.
M&Ms are great for teaching your baby to count and to group items with color. Just place the M&Ms in front of your baby one by one, counting as you do. As your baby reaches around 2 years of age you can start separating the same colored M&Ms in front of him. Soon he will start doing it himself.
There are some great learning games available for free on NickJr, and you can have your kid play on your computer under your supervision.
"Tummy time is one of the earliest ways your baby will learn to play. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises that infants always sleep on their back to reduce the risk of SIDs, but they also recommend that babies get plenty of tummy time when they're awake and alert enough to play"
I used this to teach my baby about talking on the phone, and it worked very well. A magnet fishing game is also pretty useful because its fun for the toddler and has no frustrating element because its easy.
Give your baby colored blocks with numbers and alphabets. Teach him how to put them all together and then leave him to do it all himself. You can also show him how to build the same color blocks separately or ones with the same numbers or in a sequence.
Category: Parenting | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago
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