Baking Pan Smarts

Baking Pan Smarts – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Baking Pan Smarts. This topic was created by kimberley hoskins and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 10

Published:  | Submitted by Jasonand Mary Dooley | permalink

<p>10" × 10" Baking Pan for The Compact Smart Oven7reg; BOV650XL and The Mini Smart Oven&reg; BOV450XL</p>
Tags: Breville, Juicers, Smart Oven, Juice Fountain Plus, Espresso Machines, Espresso, Youbrew, Juice Fountain, Barista Express, Brevilleusa

Tip 2 - 12

Published:  | Submitted by Mac Magus | permalink

<p>12" × 12" Enamel Baking Pan The Smart Oven&reg; BOV800XL</p>
Tags: Breville, Juicers, Smart Oven, Juice Fountain Plus, Espresso Machines, Espresso, Youbrew, Juice Fountain, Barista Express, Brevilleusa

Tip 3 - Living Without A Big Oven: An Ode to the Breville Smart Oven — Product Review

Published:  | Submitted by Rene Viera | permalink
Living Without A Big Oven:  An Ode to the Breville Smart Oven  — Product Review

My oven broke over Christmas. That's four months without a big oven. I could have had it repaired at any time but never felt the urgent need to do so. That's because I have my Breville Smart Oven. (I don't work for Breville or have any ties to the company whatsoever, I promise). The Smart Oven toasts, bakes, broils, and reheats. It's perfect for someone living alone or for couples. But it's also great for cooking for kids. I always hated heating up an entire oven for 8 tiny faux-chicken nuggets or a small Amy's Organic pizza for my kids! In fact, I am starting to think I could probably live without a big oven; that space could be better served with drawers or shelves.

Tip 4 - A Smart Reader Tip for Better Baking in Flimsy Aluminum Pie Pans

Published:  | Submitted by Drew Hulburt | permalink
A Smart Reader Tip for Better Baking in Flimsy Aluminum Pie Pans

Disposable aluminum pie pans are flimsy and don't bake crusts as evenly as glass or ceramic pie plates, but they sure are convenient for giving pies away to lucky friends and family. One of our readers shared an ingenious tip for a simple way to hack an aluminum pie plate so it is sturdier and bakes better crusts.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

21.5k+ Reads
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