Basic Protein Diet

Basic Protein Diet – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Basic Protein Diet. This topic was created by William Tay and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - The Protein Power Diet: Low Carb, High Protein Diet Plan

Published:  | Submitted by Alexander Kaplunov | permalink
The Protein Power Diet: Low Carb, High Protein Diet Plan

WebMD evaluates the low-carb Protein Power diet, including a basic overview and expert opinions.
Tags: protein power diet, protein diet, protein power, low-carb, carbohydrate,high protein,fat,fats,diets,diet,weight loss, ketosis, ketones, insulin, fad diet, protein power, eades

Tip 2 - Lists of Protein Based Foods - Weight Loss For All

Published:  | Submitted by Sandra Zamora | permalink

Tip 3 - Crush Your Resolution: 4 Week Fat Burning Meal Plan

Published:  | Submitted by Eileen Chadnick | permalink
Crush Your Resolution: 4 Week Fat Burning Meal Plan

Did the holiday season add a little pudge to your waistline? Redeem yourself in the New Year with this fat scorching meal plan.

Tip 4 - Your Protein Prescription: Sample Meal Plan

Published:  | Submitted by ferrit | permalink
Your Protein Prescription: Sample Meal Plan

What does 65 grams of protein, the amount an active 130-pound woman needs each day, look like? Pretty darn delish. Nutritionist Keri Gans, RD, the author of The Small Change Diet, put together this plan — no Rocky-esque raw-egg shakes required.

Tip 5 - Lean in four weeks meal plan

Published:  | Submitted by janne hu 00e 4mu 00e 4lu 00e 4inen | permalink
Lean in four weeks meal plan

Shed the fat with this exercise-friendly four-week fat-loss meal plan

Tip 6 - High Protein Diet at Men's

Published:  | Submitted by The Linked | permalink
High Protein Diet at Men's

Try this high-protein diet--low in sugar, high in fiber--at Men's Health.
Tags: high protein, high protein food, food high in protein, high protein low carb diet, high protein recipe, high protein diet food, mens health

Tip 7 - Daily High Protein Low Carb Plan on a Budget

Published:  | Submitted by mybook 4 | permalink
Daily High Protein Low Carb Plan on a Budget

For some people, standard low-fat, high-carb diets prove less effective than high-protein, low-carb diets to reach and maintain a healthier weight. A study published in 2007 in the Journal of the ...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

23k+ Reads
7 Tips
8 Votes
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