Tip - Beating the Dow (Revised and Updated): Michael B. O'Higgins, John Downes: 9780066620473: Amazon.com: Books

Published  | Submitted by JOSE BORBON

Beating the Dow (Revised and Updated) [Michael B. O'Higgins, John Downes] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In 1991, Michael B. O'Higgins, one of the nation's top money managers, turned the investment world upside down with an ingenious strategy
Tags: Michael B. O'Higgins, John Downes,Beating the Dow (Revised and Updated),HarperBusiness,0066620473,Investments & Securities - General,Business & Economics,Business & Economics / Investments & Securities / General,Business / Economics / Finance,Business/Economics,Investment & securities,Investment analysis,Investments,Investments & Securities - Stocks,Stock exchanges,Stocks

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Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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