I enjoy a good beef steak as much as the next guy, but eating one is a rarity for me. My freezer is stocked with venison most of the time, and my wife and I have literally raised our kids on deer meat. In fact, Shari is something of a venison snob, turning up her nose at the bland flavor and fat-laden nature of beef. It is a nice situation for a deer hunter to face, though I do feel the pressure to kill a deer at the first opportunity to, in the words of the old “Beverly Hillbillies” theme song “keep my family fed.” Tags: Deer Hunting, Finding Deer to Hunt, deer hunting season, deer hunting tips, deer hunting gear, Deer Hunting Camo and Clothing, venison recipes, deer behavior, Deer Stands: Choosing and Hanging Tree Stands and Blinds, Deer Guns: Rifles and Shotguns for Deer Hunting, trophy bucks, Bow Hunting Whitetail Deer
Posted: 9 years, 5 month(s) ago
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