Best Tips to Build Your Child's Self-Esteem

Most children face self-esteem issues at some point in their lives. Understanding parents who model the thought processes that lead to healthy self-esteem can nudge a child toward healthier spirits. Try to sandwich any criticism between two compliments, and always separate the person from the behaviour — the criticism should apply to the action, rather than the person.

Here are some of the Best Tips to build a child's self-esteem.

Tip 1 - Praise the effort that created the results, rather than the results.

Published:  | Submitted by tahir | permalink

Often, parents will be called on to evaluate a child’s performance in a game or a musical recital. In such situations, praise the effort that created the results, rather than the results themselves. “I love how hard you worked on this picture” is better than, “Wow, your picture is the best!”

Tip 2 - Compliment your child but Make your compliments credible

Published:  | Submitted by Advice | permalink
Compliment your child but Make your compliments credible

Compliment your child but Make your compliments credible. 

Give your child compliments as often as possible, whenever they do something right. Say, "I am very proud of you. You are very special. I like the way you have done it."

Make your compliments credible. It is important, however, that the compliments be credible. Exaggerated compliments like, "You are the best in the world. You are the nicest person that ever lived" can actually be counter-productive. The child will develop an inflated ego, and that can affect his relationship with friends, which in the long run will have a negative effect on his or her self-esteem.

By:  Yaakov Lieder

Tip 3 - When your child feels they've failed or have been rejected try to find something good

Published:  | Submitted by Peony | permalink

You can help to build your child’s self esteem by letting them know how well they have done and how proud you are of them. Don’t just say this, use descriptive words to ensure that they understand why you are pleased. Even though they might feel embarrassed talking to you they need to know that you are there to listen and support, not judge them for feeling the way they do at times.

Tip 4 - Positive reinforcement even when your child makes mistakes

Published:  | Submitted by KarenKhunkhun | permalink
Positive reinforcement even when your child makes mistakes

Positive reinforcement even when your child makes mistakes. that’s how they learn!:

As parents, we want to make our children feel that they can do anything, not that they might not succeed. When your child struggles with a task, don’t jump in and do it for her. Instead, continue to encourage her by offering suggestions, or taking a break and coming back to the activity. Remember that making mistakes is OK, your child does not have to get all the right answers all the time; we learn from our mistakes just as much as we learn from our successes.

Tip 5 - Let them make their own choices under your supervision

Published:  | Submitted by Coffeecup | permalink

Don't dictate terms, don't make them do what you want all the time. Let them choose and just keep an eye on them. Guide them, don't force them.

Tip 6 - Love them and make sure they know

Published:  | Submitted by Julie | permalink

Love them and make sure they know.  The biggest factor in building your child self-esteem is to make sure they know you love them and make sure they believe you.  A loved child is a powerful being.

Tip 7 - Be polite and understanding

Published:  | Submitted by Nelson | permalink

Don't scold them on everything and remain polite even when they make mistakes. Give them a chance to realize their faults themselves so that they don't feel afraid to make mistakes in the future.

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