Best Viral Marketing Essays You Must Read

Viral Marketing is considered the holly grill of organic growth. Look at the Dot Com household names of today and you will find one common factor “viral Growth”.  From Facebook to Google and the latest phenomena Whatsapp, which was recently bought for 19 Billion, are all product of Viral Spread.

This list is for tips, essays, articles and videos on Viral marketing. Please add your own tip or submit a tip from something your read online. Don’t forget to add URL, which community can go to read further.  The list is ranked by Community Votes.

Tip 1 - One of the most powerful forms of word-of-mouse content is the e-book

Published:  | Submitted by Wise | permalink
One of the most powerful forms of word-of-mouse content is the e-book

One of the most powerful forms of word-of-mouse content is the e-book.

David Meerman Scott provides a good read.

This is what others are saying about it:  “You’re not supposed to be able to do what David Meerman Scott is about to tell you in this book.”
– from the foreword by Robert Scoble, managing director of FastCompany.TV, co-author of Naked Conversations, and popular blogger at

Tip 2 - Apple's Secrets For Growth

Published:  | Submitted by Jim | permalink
Apple's Secrets For Growth

Apple's Secrets For Growth:  People buy what other people have.  Steve Chazin tells it all.

PRODUCTS DON’T SELL. PEOPLE DO. Look carefully at Apple’s iPod commercials. You’ll see lots of happy, energetic people dancing in silhouette against a colorful and ever-changing background. Notice the distinctive white headphones flowing in unison to the owner’s movements.

Tip 3 - What Facebook did to become so big

Published:  | Submitted by Viral | permalink
What Facebook did to become so big

When you are looking at your own startup’s viral potential, you must learn from others and be able to answer some fundamental questions:

Is your product viral by design?

What are the top 5 most important features of your venture?

What are the top 3 most important benefits of your venture?

What gets used the most?

What gets clicked the most?

Benefits are much more important than features

Tip 4 - Make Your Startup Go Viral The Pinterest Way

Published:  | Submitted by Xonareo | permalink
Make Your Startup Go Viral The Pinterest Way

Steve Cheney wrote a piece on viral growth for pinterest on Techcrunch.  On Thanksgiving, Pinterest’s co-founder Ben Silbermann sent an email to his entire user base saying thanks.

It was fitting, as Pinterest was born two years ago on Thanksgiving day 2009.  Ben had been working on a website with a few friends, and his girlfriend came up .....

Tip 5 - Spread mechanism of whatsapp : The Network Effect Playbook

Published:  | Submitted by JustinHope | permalink
Spread mechanism of whatsapp : The Network Effect Playbook

Spread mechanism of whatsapp : The Network Effect Playbook.  Traditionally, startups have solved this problem by racing to connect users with each other, essentially providing them the pipes to interact with each other. Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn have grown big with this connection-first model.
However, a new breed of networks is gaining ground with the content-first model. They provide users with tools to create a corpus of content, and then enable conversations around.....

By:  Sangeet Paul Choudary


Tip 6 - "Kony 2012" raised over $26m with YouTube campaign

Published:  | Submitted by 3ak | permalink

With 94 million views, the video went viral - the message was to spread awareness about the plight of children caught up in Uganda's conflict.

Joseph Kony has been kidnapping/abducting kids for over 3 decades, the hope of the video was to also arrest him.

Tip 7 - Use Social Currency For Spread

Published:  | Submitted by Catherine Everson | permalink
Use Social Currency For Spread

Pick a topic that is in high demand by your readership.
Write a truly awesome post about it – think about what you would put in a manifesto or e-book, and turn it into a mammoth blog post instead.
Create a shortened URL to the post with or another service. Don’t leave it as a jumble of letters and numbers – change it to something memorable, like
Create a complimentary bonus that goes with the post, and make sure that the bonus includes a reference to the shortened URL that you just created. The bonus can be a PDF handout or worksheet, an e-book, a video, audio, etc. – just make sure it’s good enough for people to really, really want it!
Sign with a free service like Pay With A Tweet or Cloud:flood to give people access to the bonus once they’ve tweeted or otherwise shared the post, and integrate the link into your anchor post.
When the post goes live, reach out to your networks and ask them to help spread the word.

By: Danny Iny

Tip 8 - 5 Movie Viral Marketing Campaigns That Failed

Published:  | Submitted by Samantha Chow | permalink

Patrick Coyne wrote with details on the following movies viral campaigns that have failed.

I Love You, Beth Cooper (2009)

Snakes on a Plane (2006)

The Science of Sleep (2006)

Limitless (2011)

Anchorman 2 (2013)

Tip 9 - What Makes Online Content Viral: Great Research Paper

Published:  | Submitted by Julie | permalink
What Makes Online Content Viral: Great Research Paper

What Makes Online Content Viral?

Jonah A. Berger
University of Pennsylvania - Marketing Department

Katherine L. Milkman
University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School

December 25, 2009

Why are certain pieces of online content more viral than others? This article takes a psychological approach to understanding diffusion. Using a unique dataset of all the New York Times articles published over a three month period, the authors examine the link between integral affect (i.e., the emotion evoked) and whether content is highly shared. Results suggest a strong relationship between emotion and virality, but indicate that this link is more complex than mere valence alone. Positive content is more...

Tip 10 - Example of Small Business Viral Marketing Campaigns

Published:  | Submitted by Miki567 | permalink
Example of Small Business Viral Marketing Campaigns

Many small businesses who have enjoyed the excitement of a viral marketing campaign will actually tell you that, although they wish they had been clever enough to plan it, it was an accident.

Here are some examples of viral campaign.

Tip 11 - People enjoy sharing things that make them look good

Published:  | Submitted by Doyle | permalink
People enjoy sharing things that make them look good

People enjoy sharing things that make them look good: by Gregory Ciotti. 

At its core, viral marketing is simply the “spread of an idea” that helps market your business or cause. It’s putting material out there that by its very nature attracts attention and discussion.

Perhaps the most objective way to look at the practice of viral marketing is to examine the research of some highly intelligent folks who have dedicated years to deciphering the common elements of viral content.

Wharton professor Jonah Berger did some great work on viral.

Tip 12 - Build word-or-mouth into your product

Published:  | Submitted by Ideas | permalink
Build word-or-mouth into your product

Build word-or-mouth into your product.

(Create viral features, if you will).  Maybe you’ll build a service that pulls email addresses from your users address book for easy invitations. This is especially critical for any offering based on the network effect. Make it easy to share information through your product. With LiquidPlanner, you get the most out of the tool if you share it with your team. You can share your plans with your clients, too (for free) through the client portal.

Liz Pearce is LiquidPlanner’s CEO

Tip 13 - Top 10 Ways to Do SEO of Your New Blog Post

Published:  | Submitted by sanjaynegi | permalink
Top 10 Ways to Do SEO of Your New Blog Post

So you just wrote awesome blog post? Now what? Before publishing it, you need to make sure that your blog post is SEO friendly so that it brings a lot of organic traffic which is residual and does …

Tip 14 - United Arab Emirates (Uae) Email Database

Published:  | Submitted by rabbi | permalink
United Arab Emirates (Uae) Email Database

The Internet has changed the world and its access has given many conveniences at our fingertips. This has given rise to online marketing through emails. There are a number of ways to tap into this market and one such option is to uae email database. It is an inexpensive and efficient way to do marketing using email address list. Before you buy email list you have remember to check doctor email list. Doctor email list are a lists of a number of potential customers that are stored somewhere. Sometimes these email lists are accurate and sometimes there are errors in the email address list. If the uae email database is not error free the messages are never delivered.

As an internet or affiliate marketer sooner or later or right from beginning you would like to embark your email campaign. And if you don't have uae email database you'll try to find for a shortcut, you search online and get several companies who will boast that they have one of the biggest uae email database already available all you have to do is pay them and they will send your promotional emails to their list.

Now I want to make clear why you should not do this mistake of purchasing that kinda service.

I forked out $1,000 and he even was willing to add in some extra leads. This did make me feel real good and I was prepared to rock. After three weeks of uae email database, calling and prospecting I did not get one upgrade. I did not know what to question, the leads or my skill to get an upgrade. I come to recognize I had wasted $1,000 and the individual I bought the list from was laughing all the way to the bank.



Tip 15 - mailing list for sale

Published:  | Submitted by monirjibon 001 | permalink
mailing list for sale

Latest Database  provides you the most sophisticated and elaborate databases on Australian business email lists, with full of customer information that you may wish to target in order to promote your products and/or services. Thinking about procuring a comprehensive database on Australian business email lists, your solution lies with Latest Database™ providing you a complete Australian consumers’ email database to help market yourself like never before. Stay ahead in the race simply by buying an email database from us with all relevant details of potential clients.Latest Database have 4 million Australian Consumer Email Database.

Amount of Records: 2 Millions

Listing Include: * Frist Name * Last Name * Business name * address

* City *Zip code *State * Email Address * Phone number * Fax number

* Website address

For further reading: [15]

Tip 16 - email marketing lists for sale

Published:  | Submitted by atekurrahman | permalink
email marketing lists for sale

Reaction Direct Mail records Reaction post office based mail records are typically databases of shoppers who have asked or bought from an immediate reaction commercial, standard mail index, from a regular postal mail offer, direct-offering TV promotion, direct reaction daily paper notice, or other direct reaction offer. The most widely recognized reaction post office based mail records are from inventory shippers.

Before you consider acquiring any regular postal mail rundown, dissect the database of your own clients. Ask yourself correctly what shared traits they have, then search for these attributes in another rundown mailing database.

For further reading: [16]

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