Best ways to decrease bounce rate for your website?

Hey TipsPit community, I'm fairly new here. My first topic, I'm wondering how does one bring down bounce rate for their site... for those that are not familiar with the term bounce rate it means the number of people bouncing off your website after just visiting the first page/landing page(whichever page they came from).

What can I do to keep them floating around the website rather than visiting 1 page and leaving?


Tip 1 - You're acquiring the wrong kind of traffic to your page

Published:  | Submitted by Abilio Videira | permalink

People who are uninterested in your market can be the reason why bounce rate and time spent is bad

Tip 2 - Giving people exactly what they want can actually work against you!

Published:  | Submitted by Amber Bagley | permalink

People seem to forget this one the most, all they can think about is "my content is not good enough" "my writers english sucks thats why" "my traffic is not quality" but sometimes it can be as simple as "you are giving people exactly what they want"

For example; I wanted to know what day is mothers day in the UK, I do a quick search on Google > Go to your website where it states "30th March" my search is now complete... why would I stick around your website? That's all I need.

That is why you need to be very, very persuasive with what you have on your pages that give users that simple, clean answer so they can move forward to other pages as well.

For example: I search for the date of mothers day in the UK > I come to your website > on the right it says "Find out what date is fathers day" chances are I might just click to save me that search in the future... it's super related. This is what your website needs!

Tip 3 - Speed, speed, speed!

Published:  | Submitted by Alicja Kwiatkowska | permalink

Your website should be loading in under 10 seconds, anything more than 10 seconds and you have a serious problem! Optimise your pages effectively, buy a good server that can handle the load of traffic that you're currently dealing with.

If your speed is not up to scratch, your potential visitors will be clicking the "Back" button before they even landed on the page for it to fully load.

Tip 4 - Making the site mobile friendly

Published:  | Submitted by Alfredo Moliner | permalink

Keys to success these days are making your website mobile friendly, this is where bounce rate gets high if you haven't optimized your website for mobile. 

Tip 5 - Structure your ad placement accordingly

Published:  | Submitted by Ad van de Werff | permalink

A user clicking on your ad will certainly give you revenue however they're bouncing off to another site in the process, you must structure your ads accordingly and put bounce rate higher in your priority list than making revenue as one your bounce rate gets better - revenue will also increase, as you have a more loyal user base that roams on your site thus a higher click through rate on ads.

Tip 6 - Have a related section

Published:  | Submitted by Alex Stuck | permalink

If you have a blogging website and someone lands to a page related to beauty then you must show them other articles related to beauty either on the side bar or at the bottom - with time you will see what works best.

Tip 7 - Poor Design

Published:  | Submitted by Akbar Karawalla | permalink

You can have the best content ever but if your graphics/text/size is not visually pleasing don't expect people to hang about - seek opinions and continuously improve.

Tip 8 - Use pop-ups

Published:  | Submitted by Adriane Brito | permalink

Pop-ups can become very handy, set a timer for the first page the user lands on e.g. 30 seconds and the popup appears. It can also work as a disadvantage and give a bad user experience as nobody likes popups just depends how you go about doing it

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Category: Business & Finance | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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