High-fructose corn syrup… call me crazy, but the name in itself sounds scary. What exactly is it? It’s a group of corn syrups that have been processed and made extra sweet. What is it used for? The foods and products we use usually use it as a sweetener, especially in processed foods and drinks. It’s no secret that too much sugar for anyone comes with heavy consequences, pun intended. If you’re not on board yet, it makes you fat, to put it mildly. High-fructose corn syrup bypasses the body’s regulation of sugars; meaning, it’s converted to fat faster than other sugars are. The USDA recommends having no more than 8 tsp of added sugar a day, just to put that into perspective, a 12 oz Pepsi provides 103% of that! BEWARE: High-fructose corn syrup is sneaky! It can be found in products that aren’t even sweet (i.e. sliced bread and processed meats). Even a product labeled “natural” or “organic” can have high-fructose corn syrup in it. Steering clear of high, high-fructose corn syrup intake isn’t as hard as it sounds. It can be as simple as buying fresh produce and cooking it yourself. Processed foods Read More »
Posted: 9 years, 7 month(s) ago
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