Tip - Biliteracy: Teach Your Bilingual Child to Read and Write in Your Language | Multilingual Living

Published  | Submitted by Donna Lambert
Biliteracy: Teach Your Bilingual Child to Read and Write in Your Language | Multilingual Living

Photo credit: Alan Cleaver School is finishing in many places around the world. Children are looking forward to lazy days on the grass, swimming under the hot sun and chasing sprinkler rainbows across the yard. Ah, the joys of childhood. Summertime is also a time for reading - under trees, on the beach, lounging on the sofa, late a night in bed with a flashlight. The magic of a good book can transform an entire summer experience. But what about all of those books that your child is unable to read in your language? Wouldn't you love to share memories of favorite books from your childhood with your child? Why not take some time out this summer to teach your child to read and write in your language? What do you have to lose? Summer is a perfect opportunity to introduce your child to your language's alphabet, pronunciation and more. There are no school studies to get in the way of you and your child taking the leap into biliteracy. Plus, teaching your child to read and write in your
Tags: biliteracy,biliterate,books,multiliteracy,read,reading books,teach how to read,writing,homeschool,read & write,teach at home

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Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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