Blood in Stool During Weight Loss

Blood in Stool During Weight Loss – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Blood in Stool During Weight Loss. This topic was created by Nickwisni and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Blood in Stool During Weight Loss | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Joydeep Bhattacharya | permalink
Blood in Stool During Weight Loss | eHow

Blood in the stool during weight loss can be a frightening thing to witness. Blood may be bright red or old blood may be brown or even black if the blood is coming from the upper quadrant of the digestive tract. Any time you see blood in the stool you need to take this seriously. During weight loss blood in the stool can be from hemorrhoids, but...

Tip 2 - Blood in Stool: Causes and Diagnosis

Published:  | Submitted by Melanoma | permalink
Blood in Stool: Causes and Diagnosis

WebMD explains the causes of bloody stools, the tests to diagnose the underlying problem, and treatment options.
Tags: blood in stool, defecating blood, bloody stool, blood in stool causes, blood in stool diagnosis, blood in stool treatments, diverticulitis, h. pylori, ulcers, tarry stools, endoscopy, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, esophageal problems, colon cancer

Tip 3 - Irritable bowel syndrome: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Published:  | Submitted by William Phillips | permalink
Irritable bowel syndrome: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Tip 4 - Rectal Bleeding (Blood in Faeces). Causes and Treatment | Patient

Published:  | Submitted by lukjad 007 | permalink
Rectal Bleeding (Blood in Faeces). Causes and Treatment | Patient

There are many causes of rectal bleeding. The severity can vary from mild bleeding (common) to a severe life-threatening bleeding (uncommon). Find out more information about blood in poo at
Tags: diarrhoea with rectal bleeding,malaena,gastrointestinal bleeding,rectal bleeding,blood in faeces,bleeding per rectum,blood in stool,melaena,rectal bleeding,rectal bleeding causes

Tip 5 - Rectal Bleeding in Adults, Blood in Stool. Information | Patient

Published:  | Submitted by David Mc Nemar | permalink
Rectal Bleeding in Adults, Blood in Stool. Information | Patient

For details on rectal bleeding in children see separate article Rectal bleeding in children . The passage of blood per rectum is a very common symptom. Why do people have blood in stool?
Tags: piles,haemorrhoids,haemorrhoids (piles),crohn's disease,diarrhoea with rectal bleeding,inflammatory bowel disease,ulcerative colitis,colorectal carcinoma,rectal bleeding,blood in faeces,bleeding per rectum,prolased haemorrhoids,rectal bleeding in adults,rectal bleeding and alarm features,blood in stool,rectal bleeding causes

Tip 6 - 8 Signs and Symptoms of Stomach Cancer

Published:  | Submitted by John Heithaus | permalink
8 Signs and Symptoms of Stomach Cancer

Stomach cancer symptoms can often be similar to those of other diseases. Learn what signs and symptoms to look out for when it comes to stomach cancer.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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