Body Odor & Fish Oil

Body Odor & Fish Oil – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Body Odor & Fish Oil. This topic was created by Felice Policastro and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Preventing Body Odor

Published:  | Submitted by Howard Absetz | permalink
Preventing Body Odor

Understanding what causes body order can help in the way you try to prevent it.
Tags: body odor, prevent body odor, bad body odor

Tip 2 - New research could take the stink out of body odor -

Published:  | Submitted by David SERVIGNAT | permalink
New research could take the stink out of body odor -

Why does sweat get smelly? Scientists at University of York have discovered the active molecular pathway for a particular form of body odor.
Tags: health, New research could take the stink out of body odor -

Tip 3 - What is body odor (B.O.)? What causes body odor?

Published:  | Submitted by Jan van Beijnhem | permalink
What is body odor (B.O.)? What causes body odor?

Body odor is a perceived unpleasant smell our bodies can give off when bacteria that live on the skin break down sweat into acids.

Tip 4 - 7 Surprising Reasons You Stink

Published:  | Submitted by Betty MORIN | permalink
7 Surprising Reasons You Stink

We're going to assume you bathe, at least somewhat regularly. And yet, somehow, you still find yourself wondering... IS THAT ME?! Turns out, there are the occasional smells that no amount
Tags: 7, surprising, body, odor, causes, healthy, living

Tip 5 - Quench The Stench: 4 Natural Ways To Treat Body Odor

Published:  | Submitted by Brandt Quick | permalink
Quench The Stench: 4 Natural Ways To Treat Body Odor

Quench the stench and use these four natural ways — from changing your shoes to spritzing with vinegar — to practice good hygiene.
Tags: medical daily,, health news, medical news, medical science, medicine, drugs, treatment, disease

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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