Boom is a fast game that can be played by a maximum of 12 people. Everyone gets 7 cards, facing down. The remaining d">

Tip - Boom

Published  | Submitted by Alexandre Araujo

Boom is a fast game that can be played by a maximum of 12 people. Everyone gets 7 cards, facing down. The remaining deck goes back on the table. The first player lays down a card, facing up. The next player has to match that card by rank or suit. If he doesn't have either, he needs to draw cards from the deck until he does.

After the one round is played, the player who had the highest rank in the stack on the table gets to lead the next round. In the end, the player who gets rid of all his cards and yells Boom wins.

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Posted: 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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