Tip - Brand Yourself: Regional Conference 2015

Published  | Submitted by i 542
Brand Yourself: Regional Conference 2015

Brand Yourself: The Art of Reputation Management is a wonderful opportunity for students and professionals in all walks of life, to gain important knowledge and skills for managing their reputation. Come network and listen to our speakers share their experiences in branding and repuatation management. You can even get a more personal experience by attending smaller breakout sessions with our speakers or ask them questions at our panel. No matter who you are or what you do you can benefit from attending this event, so don't miss out! We are also having a conference kick-off event the Friday night before the event, from 7-9 o clock. You can come and get to know some of the people attending the event, and get some valuable networking time.

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Posted: 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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